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The Vision of the Association is that throughout the public and private sectors:

  • It is straightforward and simple for people to complain.
  • People making a complaint are listened to and treated fairly.
  • A complaint is dealt with quickly, fairly and effectively at the earliest stage by suitably trained staff.
  • People have access to an ombudsman in all areas of consumer and public services.
  • The learning from a complaint is used to improve services.


The Objectives of the Association are to:

  • Support and promote an effective system of complaint handling and redress in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Britain’s Crown Dependencies and Britain’s Overseas Territories.
  • Encourage, develop and protect the role of an ombudsman in both the public and private sectors as the ‘best practice’ model for resolving complaints, according recognition through membership.
  • Provide an authoritative voice and promote best practice and policy for those involved in complaint handling and redress to ensure an effective service for the public.
  • Support open and transparent accountability and endorse principles of good complaint handling.


OA Articles of Association - 12.12.23
PDF 368.56 KB
OA Terms and Rules (Sept 2023)
DOC 94.5 KB