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54 results
The Dispute Service Ltd

The Dispute Service Ltd, established in 2003, is a not-for-profit company which operates the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS), a government-approved provider of Insured and free Custodial tenancy deposit protection. Currently protecting over 1.8 million deposits across England and Wales, TDS offers a free alternative dispute resolution service to help resolve any disputes that may arise between landlords, agents and tenants, by agreement or via a professional and impartial adjudicator. All TDS adjudicators are members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. TDS provides key services to SafeDeposits Scotland and is the parent company of TDS Northern Ireland (TDSNI).  The Dispute Service Ltd also operates TDS Resolution, a service to help tenants and landlords avoid the need to go to court where the tenant has fallen into rent arrears and provides an alternative dispute resolution service for Zero Deposit, a deposit free renting solution. 

Member type:
Complaint Handler Member
Contact The Dispute Service Ltd
The Financial Regulators Complaints Commissioner

The Financial Regulators Complaints Commissioner provides an independent assessment of complaints against the Financial Conduct Authority, the Prudential Regulation Authority, the Payment Systems Regulator, and the Bank of England's oversight of the banking clearing houses and payment settlement schemes.

Financial services
Member type:
Complaint Handler Member
Contact The Financial Regulators Complaints Commissioner
The Independent Football Ombudsman (IFO)

The Independent Football Ombudsman was established by the English Football Authorities (The Football Association, The Premier League and The Football League) with the agreement of the Government. The IFO’s remit is to investigate  and adjudicate complaints which have not been resolved at an earlier stage and  the IFO acts as the final stage in football's complaints procedure. The IFO is an Approved Alternative Disputes Resolution Body under the 2015 Consumer Disputes Regulations 

Member type:
Complaint Handler Member
Contact The Independent Football Ombudsman (IFO)
Welsh Language Commissioner's Office

Comisiynydd y Gymraeg (The Welsh Language Commissioner) works to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language. By doing so we are contributing to realising our vision of a Wales where people can live their life in Welsh. In actively promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language, the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 states that we must focus on increasing Welsh medium services and their use, and other opportunities for people to use the Welsh language. The Measure allows us to do a number of things to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language, including the imposition and enforcement of duties through the Welsh language standards.

Public Services
Member type:
Complaint Handler Member
Contact Welsh Language Commissioner's Office